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IL cam photo 1
Frequently Asked Questions
• Where are meets/events?
All over Illinois! Car shows, road trips, cruise nights, from Springfield, Minooka, Warrenville, Crestwood, Elgin, Bolingbrook, Rockford, Peotone, to Gurnee, Wauconda, Lincolnshire (and many more), and even into Wisconsin! ILCAM also participates in events at Road America, Route 66 Mother Road Show, Tail of the Dragon, Camaro Fest, and the Power Tour.

• How much are annual dues?
There are NO dues.

• Do I have to own a Camaro?
No! Illinois Camaro welcomes current, former and potential Camaro owners and enthusiasts alike.
• How many members are there in Illinois Camaro?
We are far and away the largest Camaro club in the State of Illinois. According to Facebook, there are approximately 2,300 members worldwide. Realistically and locally, our latest estimate is somewhere between 350-500.
• When are meets/events?
We have shows and cruises nearly year round. During Summer months the list of events for an average week reads something like this: 3+ Cars & Coffee events, 15+ Car shows, and 50+ Cruise nights! Find one close to you, jump in your Camaro and we'll see you there! ILCAM also participates in events at Road America, Camaro Fest, Route 66 Mother Road Festival, and cruises like Tail of the Dragon and the Power Tour.
During the Winter months there are still activities going on. In fact, we host the first "car show" in early January for daily
drivers only, but most activities
consist of the "indoor" variety.
Meet and greet fellow Illinois
Camaro members at a variety of
events such as bowling, indoor kart
racing, and roller skating - events
which you don't need to bring the Camaro. Just
show up and get to know like-minded people! Oh, and bring some pics of your car!

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